Welcome to the West Virginia National Guard Education Encouragement Program!

Please login or register for access. Please ensure when submitting every new application that you review your personal information. Pay particular attention to your ETS date, as you must be a member for the entirety of the semester/term you are applying for TA.

Applications for state tuition assistance must be submitted EACH semester. Applications are to be submitted by:

  • May 1st for the FALL semester
  • November 1st for the SPRING semester
  • 60 days prior to the start of classes for NON-TRADITIONAL programs
  • 60 days prior to the start of classes for SUMMER classes

If your application is being submitted past the deadline, please contact us to obtain the late packet which must be submitted along with any supporting documentation for your tardy submission such as orders, etc. As per WVNG-JR 18-001, your application will remain as pending until ruled upon via the application appeal process. If approved following appeal, tuition may be paid at less than the 100% level.

Send any requests or questions to ng.wv.wvarng.list.education-office-wv@army.mil